Viginia Key 1977 ( gay beach ) turn left at Seaquarium (sewage treatment plant) and Jimbo's. The 'black beach' was nearby.
I was Miami in 77 when
Anita Bryant (citrus queen) led her shameful crusade with the help of the media (herald). It was also the year my brother came out of the closet. Back then, drive-by hecklings and fag-bashings were regular occurrence at the local gay clubs & drag bars. Anita is known to be the first person to be publicly "pied" (as is pie in the face). Wiki her to read the joke (not funny) her rise and demise. Republicans are know to "eat their own" Also see Katherine Harris ( the other citrus queen), she wears a pie of mascara everyday.
Like Bryant then, John Stemberger, chairmman of FL4Marriage, today leads worst element of the religious fruit-cakes (southern baptists) hate-driven agenda. They got their way on nov 08 ballot by using a tried-n-true mix of religion n politics... by using inflammatory sermonizing at sunday church services to extort signatures needed.
Only the crazies take delight in what is happening. For the rest of us, it is ongoing flabbergast.
The wording is deceptive and open to interpretation:
"Inasmuch as marriage is the legal union of only one man and one woman as husband and wife, no other legal union that is treated as marriage or the substantial equivalent thereof shall be valid or recognized."Interesting is that while the U.S. Constitution has existed for 220 years and has been amended only 27 times,it is shameful that the Florida Constitution most recently was revised in 1968 and since then has been amended a whopping 110 times. But the rules change when it's these
folks wanting to take it to the voters.
Anti-gay amendments are just another 'carrot and the stick' of the GOP to get their voters to the polls. Their efforts also energize us, the opposition to push back.
theatrical production by Michael Yawney at the Arsht Center is very nice IF it gets people out to vote NO in november on this latest 'marriage' amendment ... and send a clear message to Tallahassee/Crist. "we're here, we're queer, get over it"
Props to
Campositions and
TNFH for their efforts.