Monday, September 7, 2009

October 11, 2001

Not So Friendly Sky
Birds teary eye view of lower Manhattan on October 11, 2001

NYT today reports:

As the anniversary of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, approaches on Friday, pieces of the World Trade Center rubble from that day have never been more accessible. A new campaign is under way to speed up the process and increase the volume of giving away pieces of steel big and small from the debris.


Air-bags worked just fine in this disabled vehicle about a block away from ground zero.

Brooklyn Heights Fire Station.
I delivered money for the firemen that my daughter collected selling lemonade in Miami.

Crowd Control
Gawkers gather in solemn silence to get a glimpse at the wreckage of the World Trade Center Towers.

Hymns for the Fallen
Chorus of visitors paying their respects near the site.

Pre-Bail-Out Money Changers
Wall Street workers taking a break from whatever they do.

Keep On Trucking
Big chunk of twisted steel making a quick exit from the hole bound for Fresh Kills Land Fill.

The Healing Power of Street Performance
Swampthing shares a teary smile with a street performer.


1 comment:

  1. So who did it? The Jews? Or should that be obvious?
