In this final installment of adventures in NYC, we examine familiar themes such as the cracked concrete of endless roadwork, the new urbanization of places and why Miami does not have a Central Park.
Not all crack is wack. Twenty five years ago Keith Haring painted this mural with a simple message that saved many lives but sadly not Gary Webb. Today the NYC Parks Department maintains the artwork as a testament to the genius of Haring and street art.
Alongside the old there is a new NewYork that is actually rather swampy.
In this post 9/11 bigger pricier apple there is an underworld steeped in party, managed perception and of course real estate.
In this 24/7 town a SevenEleven on the Bowery is not open quit enough hours.
In this subterranean world of mobility, all subways and squirrel trails lead to Central Park.
Ahhh, Central Park thanks to Fredrick Olmsted and Calvert Vaux, New Yorkers and visitors have a considerable chunk of real estate to enjoy even when parcels are closed for renovation.
On any given Sunday there is a flurry of activity like strollers, sun worshipers, cyclists, pedicabs, horse and buggy rides, jugglers, googlers and vendors. From any vantage point or park bench, Central Park is a symphony of lesure as if the world had turned into a norman rockwellian jehovah's witness illustration.
Obey the laws of ranger squirrel ...
A free concert on the summer stage...
Glad to report the roller skating scene that was woven into the fiber of central park back in the late seventies is alive and well in 2012.
A nitty gritty folk ensemble entertains a crowd of nerdy white ears...
Swampy Fields lush and resplendent adjacent to the bloody Dakota remind visitors of the one and only John Lennon who gave his life so we could venerate him.
Not quite what i imagined, another memorial to Señor Beatles.
Miami's own Danny Santiago's promotional advertisement gets photoshoped.