Thursday, August 2, 2012

My Miama

Miami is so like a gargantuan crock-pot... we actually build monuments to this notion. You put all the ingredients in the porcelain before leaving home by 8 AM so that dinner is ready by six when you return.

But 305 is not immune to the tenacity of our times, as this PSA on a metro transit bus suggests.

Dade County could also be called a Crocagator.  An amalgamated mutation of crustacean modernity.

It is unlike Moscow, Russia today where there are mostly oliarchs and few parking meters... 

El Latin Manhattan is super-cool and Apple friendly.

You can pick up foreclosures like a cantor...

and expect to have things all tidied up by November.

You can ride off into the sunset with a hefty homestead exemption...

and save face with that certain dolphin at a weekend BBQ.

You can paint your house continuity code greige...

and enjoy the daily spectacles of modern engineering marvels.

You might even happen upon a guy that looks like this and speaks decent spanglish.


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